My little grand daughter
Almost waved to me from the computer screen.
Too soon we may discuss Harry Potter.
Such are the gifts of this Age.
I have not, to date, been the subject
Of an inquisition perpetrated
By the information gatherers and their partners.
Such are the gifts of this Age.
We understand how to make fire,
And what is useful in war.
We have seven billion people and nuclear power.
Such are the gifts of this Age.
Would anyone except me enjoy hearing The Weavers
Singing Irene Goodnight?
Maybe looking through our rearview mirror
We’ll see this time as America’s greatest.
Revolutions can start
Because the software is available.
Boundary lines are routinely pushed and prodded,
And yesterdays shibboleths are dust.
What was a many lifetime’s evolution
Is this morning’s breakfast.
A bottom line for the seven billion is absurd
For the game is eternal, and we are not the only players.