Monday, May 27, 2013


“Money does not merely matter,
Wisely administered it cures most ailments.
We can, if you bring that $500,000 into play in Tennessee,
Change the results, making you the nominee.
It will increase your vote total from 45% to 53.5%, an increase of 8.5%”

Are you not staggered by that assertion?
A nonfiction belief in cause and effect
That reduces you from intellectual independence 
To a product of TV  repetitions,
Spawned by commercials that assure you of the disaster awaiting a poor choice.
As if 8.5% talks of choice.

Two Strollers

One Fox Terrier in the stroller.
A second  leashed, walking alongside, sniffed Rose’s tail.
I spoke to the Terriers care giver,
Doing everything but exchanging photos.

Fifty feet down Orange Avenue
Another stroller was being pushed
With great effort, by a small woman 
Wearing an aged, oversized,
Slightly frayed brown Army winter coat,
Gloves, scarf and boots on this warm summer day.
Her face was deeply lined, hard and decidely unhappy.

Her stroller held an overflowing
Large black garbage bag,
With a small brown dog wedged alongside.
Pulling Rose I hurried past the woman.


“I don’t know what you are hearing,
But I do know what I am saying.”
This conundrum, knowing half a truth,
Assails the most honest of men.

As for the others:
You and I do not always offer words
That are not given to ambiguity.
Indeed our intention may be to leave room for doubt.

Nor can we absolve all from 
Comments that offer a dishonest accounting.
Sadly, we also know that yesterday’s meaning
May escape us on the morrow.

Are we not left with the possibility that,
Unless we wish to tell of our love or hate,
All communication can, at best,
Be an invitation to explore for a truth,


John Wayne may not have stormed many hills in life,
But in death President Carter recalled him as a “genuine hero”,
And Orange county renamed their airport in his honor.
If not in deed, then in the theatre, John fit role.

In American politics the role of leader
Likely goes to the candidate who 
Portrays a strong, uncompromising,
Champion of “right”.

This year the role of the Republican nominee
Will fall into the hands of a man
Who has negotiated well and succeeded 
In getting people to accept compromise.

Tragically, the process of gaining the nomination
Has required Mitt Romney to repudiate himself.
His casting as an obdurate John Wayne character is,
At best, ill fitted.

Mitt, sadly, announces he is “severely conservative”
And in the process repudiates his history.
His failure will be ours, if reasoned dialogue is lost to “severely”,
And we will ultimately pay for this chimera.


It has become ritual.
Two in the morning Rose moves,
First placing her front paws on my left leg
To ease access to the space between my calves.

Over time I have moved from complete rejection,
Pushing her to the unoccupied space near my feet,
To  coupling her desire for closeness
With my feeling of connection.

If, by two-twenty I had not fallen asleep again,
My feelings became somewhat ambiguous
Because her weight on the blanket
Makes any movement on my part impossible.

For the next five minutes I will try
Turning onto my back and moving my left  leg.
Failing to do either I’d twist my head
And encourage her to relocate.

Inevitably, I would claw my way up the bed,
Thereby allowing me to get one leg
Over her head,
Freeing me to consider relocation.