How to best fill the silence?
Can you make a triumphal sound?
Are you capable of expressing grief?
Have you a place for silence?
In meditation, there is such a place,
Not often reached by infrequent journeyers, such as I,
Who ask too little of the silence,
Where nothing and everything are the same.
I have been there twice... maybe.
Once, when time ceased and nothing took its place.
Once when morphine, prescribed for pain,
Carried me to forever, and all knowledge was replaced by
And the light was.
It carried no heat and illuminated no object.
The universe became easily understood and meaningless.
Pain and words were obviated.
A complete lack of emotion was present,
While an absurd awareness of well-being consumed me,
Flooding the enormity of all that might be.
And the silence pervaded and comforted.