Wednesday, February 14, 2007


My father, in a sagacious tone,
Advise that I avoid mistakes
“Be careful, be very careful,
In any case don’t repeat a mistake.”

Years have passed since that admonition.
I have continually not been careful.
I can look back, and about me.
Debris everywhere!

Still some things have worked to my favor.
Every now and again my calculations,
If not correct, were brought home
By virtue of compensating errors.

As to duplicating a faux pas,
My record stands clear.
Never, absolutely never,
Did I knowingly echo a disaster?

A name, spelled differently,
Occurred on another day of the week,
In a different city,
Or at least a different office.

My advice to my children is not sagacious,
At least I hope it’s not.
But still filled with the stentorian notes
Of a man looking at yesterdays news.

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