Friday, March 30, 2007

A Distant Vision

I remember running
Down a hill flush with summer green.
Its gentle roll called to me,
Offering a day like no other.

I smile, recalling that ineffable experience.
Somewhat bewildered at finding this lovely memory
Available after so many years.
Where do I run today?

Certainly not over an expanse of undulating meadow
Where my feet flew and I met such pleasure.
Where my smallness and failures could not contain me
For the length of the field.

That child yearned so much for friends,
But felt he didn’t deserve them
And luxuriated in his loneliness.
I carry scars from that time that may have been.

I’ve left that child with few regrets
For a life that is fuller.
Where bad dreams do not assail me, nightly,
And I can share feelings with those I love.

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