Saturday, May 24, 2008

The problem with poor people.

With the IRS insisting he triple his payment,
Which would force him to quit his new job and go on “the dole”,
John, was up-against-it
And looked to the congressman for help

What he got was something else.
Pay a little bit more per month,
Than the government is demanding”
The assigned 33rd ranked congressional assistant recommended.
That way you’ll pay it off sooner.

“Meeting the governments demand would leave $9000.
How do I live here on $9000 a year, asshole?” John screamed.
“It means welfare, and the son-of-bitches get shit!”
The 33rd ranked assistant was outraged.
“Is this how you reward my efforts,” he harumphed.
Fleeing his office he asked that the police be called to eject John.

33rd ranked assistant hid in a distant cubicle until John was removed.
“It’s will take a big raise to keep me around here,” he thought, self-righteously.
A few people, although not particularly interested in his harrowing experience,
Were willing to sit still long enough to hear part of this story, offer sympathy and a “hah”.

Only one of his fellow employees asked about the poor nut, John.
One, only one, voiced a query, “Who could live here on $9000?”
“Not my problem” said the 33rd ranked congressional assistant.

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