Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sabbath Goy

I didn’t believe.
It made life easier.
Autumn was full of 3 and 4 day weekends.*
Maybe not a miracle, but very nice.

September was baseball,
Especially if you believed... in the Dodgers.
In my Brooklyn apartment house 2 things were given;
All the tenants were Jewish and all were Dodger fans.

All the guys were Bar Mitvahed.
None were religious,
Yet none would turn on a light
Or a TV on the Sabbath.

Well almost none.
In the opinion of this 14 year old
A god that thought watching a ball game was OK,
As long as you didn’t turn the TV on, was meshuga.**

After all it wasn’t much work, push a button, maybe 2.
After which, I would rest and watch the game.
Except the front doorbell kept ringing.
First Marty, then Herbie, Harvey, Bert and Al.

All regarded me as a condemned sinner.
All admonished me, saying God would not be happy.
Yet all found a place to sit, watch and enjoy,
While the Sabbath Goy turned on a bathroom light

* Jewish holidays added to weekend length.
** meshuga = crazy.

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