Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Can it work?
They are excited,
Even as they play down the probabilities.
It’s an alternative, something to do.

Tomorrow I fly, and test.
We can explore this option.
Is it ignorance that
Allows my spirit to lighten?

Such good friends.
Serious men, reaching,
Taking my hand and screaming,
“You’ve got to test”.

They will go home,
My problems are not theirs.
So what! They are here now,
And want to help.

Christ this is going to be hard..
And scary.
I don’t know.

Can their ideas make it worse?
You bet.
Time isn’t ours; others will not agree.
I will have to learn.

Do I understand the questions?
Where will I find the talent?
What about the cost?
Am I still tough enough?

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