Tuesday, February 19, 2013

When Man Was Taller

Before civilization
People held beliefs that seemed reasonable.
Something caused the sun to rise, trees to grow,
And to everything there was a first.

We have been traveling downhill
Since first we accepted plants as our 
Choice for sustenance.
Hunting was too dangerous and problematic.

Gods were promoted or demoted,
Depending on our needs.
Strength was less critical 
Than agrarian knowledge.

What would kill and what would cure?
Seasons for planting replaced 
Hunting and cooking,
And we grew puny.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with puny.
Throwing rocks at your enemy
Was replaced by spears and arrows
And finally guns. Puny’s can handle guns.

Problem is that we have a self image
That assumes our ancient ancestors
Were short and tough.
Turns out they were tall and spiritual.

We didn’t decide to be vegetarians:
We needed a place to celebrate the spirits.
We had to be stationary to build pillars to the gods.
And that’s why we settled for mushrooms over steak.

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