Friday, November 8, 2013

Making Money

Breeding doesn’t take long,
Assuming that’s the purpose of this life,
We have too much spare time.
There must be more.

Lets make money!
Consider all the “goodies” prosperity brings.
It can make your life better,
Fill in the times between breeding sessions.

With money you can leave stuff.
Perhaps a building bearing your name,
Or a portfolio ensuring your heirs
Can leisurely seek out life’s higher purpose.

Think of the nifty games you can play
In your effort to make money.
Home ownership is very popular.
Drinking and eating can move beyond need.

Imagine having a TV show where
Your principal activity was terminating employees.
Not quite the same as ordering a firing squad,
Still, the aphrodisiac element could be near orgiastic.

If you want more opportunities to breed,
Making money can be very helpful.
Attracting good breeding stock with shinny trinkets
Could certainly improve your chances.

While other options could be considered,
Batiking for example, or flossing,
Making money has one very special advantage.
It can buy you a lovely funeral.

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