Friday, December 25, 2015

Holocaust or a Caring God?

If I were to hold God as an overwhelming force for good, I cannot but recognize his responsibility for the Holocaust. It is not that the infant who slips from his mothers’ hand is less a seemingly innocent victim. Rather the difference lies in the mass murder that ultimately cannot be philosophically laid to rest under the rubric of inexplicability. It, The Holocaust, is not without meaning. It makes a mockery of the Passover service and the tale of miracles, dessert wanderings and ultimate divine intervention.

I cannot negotiate away the killing of 6 million under the ever present thoughtful care of an All Mighty. If I am to be distracted by the possibility that we are given free choice, I must discount God. He/she/it are rendered irrelevant to mans’ journey, a mere spectator, or a hallucination.

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