Friday, June 10, 2016

The Good People

Each would-be entry into the program got a “haircut”
Men, women, boys & girls. No baldy no admission.
You can’t sacrifice two weeks of hair?
You’re too invested in a very bad movie.

Exc. Director, Vinny Marino was tough and credentialed:
Years in prison, a patient in drug programs,
“last rights” 8 times, and staff treatment counselor.
The man was destined to run a substance abuse house.

He wanted me to chair the board.
I had business credentials, and like him, I was Brooklyn.
Of the other 8 board members,
3 gave time, 5 showed for photo ops.

The 6 member staff were all “credentialed”,
and that included lots of relapses.
All had a Brooklyn attitude,
A splendid cover for a shaky footing.

It comes from the “fish story”.
If you are in a poker game
And you can’t decide who the “fish” is
You have just found the “fish”.

I was often a fish,
And my vanity pushed my learning curve
Back to pre homo sapien.
I’m not sure I ever understood “the game”

An encounter game consisted of accusations.,
Loud and pointed, with cursing mandatory.
After 10 minutes of yelling everybody hugged.
My indifference to being fingered upset folks.

I can’t say I didn’t learn something.
The message I got?
“It’s all bullshit!
Trust no one.”

Did the boys and girls learn?
Some did, most reverted
when they hit the street.

One kid became a physician.

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