Friday, December 9, 2016

He Who Speaks Last Loses

Maybe I was old enough, or I had lost enough verbal battles to conclude that there had to be a better way. It was finally brought home to me after yet another unsatisfactory finish to a negotiation with a Taiwan merchant’s sales representative.
What he had learned was that Americans, and maybe many others, could not abide a round of bargaining that stalled just short of consummation. When faced with what I took to be a failure on my part I inevitably conceded or offered a less self-satisfactory alternative.
After an embarrassing series of such meetings I decided to try a different close. When all but one aspect of an agreement had been completed, a particular manufacturer’s rep, wearing his best innocent smile, “looked” for me to nod. Instead I just returned his smile. This standoff lasted a very long 30 seconds. He was on commission and decided he had more too lose.
Over time I found this tactic (just shy of being a strategy) very effective, and not only in business. You and your friend are discussing what movie to see. Go silent and see what happens.  

It certainly doesn’t always work. Often I broke the silence and changed the subject. Still, if properly handled the downside is small.  

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