My father was built from a different model.
Broader and shorter, he had excellent taste.
Not so his son or grandsons.
None of us have any interest in wardrobes,
We are the victims, not the beneficiaries, of dress codes
With one possible exception:
I inherited thirty-two ties.
Every color, length or design awaits me
When I open my closet door.
Living in Hawaii when ties became an option,
Even in a very staid Accounting Office.
It is 50 years since I wore a tie…
Except to Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and Funerals
I should give away all but two; one black, one blue,
Which should cover just about all events.
If I were Irish I’d keep a green beauty,
Assuming there is still a Saint Paddy’s day parade in New
Those thirty ties might find a home.
They maybe summoned for Weddings and Funeral
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