Friday, April 28, 2017

A Different Thanksgiving

For 30 years we had dinner at Ray and Carolyn’s.
For 25 of those years we had Fred and his date.
On occasion there were other people.
Diana and I helped facilitate their leaving San Diego.
Now they live in Vermont.
It is strange to not have Carolyn and Ray
With us on this day.
I trust they have family and new friends
Joining them for this Thanksgiving.
Though distance and differences have,
I think, written “closed” to new interactions with them
Still there is a lot of history.
I’ll remember Ray’s retirement party,
Complete with a simulated fire emergency.
We came looking for open seats,
Only to find we were assigned the seats next to them.
There was travel to Russia,
A cruise that circled South America,
And time with their wonderful daughters.
We have much to be thankful for.

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