Friday, May 26, 2017

How to deal with guns and curly hair in inclement weather

How to deal with curly hair in inclement weather?  That was the point of a video that featured 5 females, ranging in age from about 10 to 70. The "star beautician" and the show’s host prompted the women to smile, with marginal results, and thought it desirable to rearrange the ladies’ right hands so that the product being sold was getting plenty of viewing. Meanwhile the "star beautician" explained how each lady's curly hair might be truly glamorous.

With typical male intolerance I turned the TV off, cursed God for allowing this balderdash to be broadcast to innocent victims across the nation. But then I thought, maybe it held the answer to "gun control"?  If millions of people saw enough of this banal TV show or one just as silly, surely gun enthusiasts sitting in their customary TV living room rocker, with a loaded buckshot gun across their truly ugly knees, could not contain their rage and find it biblically mandatory to blast the be-Jesus out of the abomination.  That in turn would bring the whole family down on the TV killer, demanding that he or she destroy the weapon before a replacement TV could be purchased. And word would spread. Families hearing about the TV killers would confront other potential TV killers, bringing tens of thousands of homes across our great country to cease buying guns.  

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