Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Marines 12/11/11

Three men and one woman
Who had seen combat
In Iraq and Afghanistan.
Shared their stories.

No longer active, each had been marked
By the war. None entirely unfavorably.
Charley, a tall young man, recalled
“Eliminating a threat” and saving his buddies.

Roberta is now working on her doctorate.
Mom was not happy with her Marine enlistment.
It was before 9/11 and getting an expensive education
Could happen under the “G.I. BILL”

Peter was the last to leave the war,
In 2009, and still in one piece,
Having served the last of his eight years.
He hoped for understanding from fellow soldiers.

Cliff, probably high strung before the war,
Was not being helped 
By his presence upon the stage.
Words tripped over themselves in his need to make contact.

Yes, they had experienced 
Disorientation when Iraq 
Failed to prove itself an imminent threat,
To the United States.

Sent to fight a dictator 
They stayed to battle 
Citizens who did not want Americans in their country,
And assist those who would accept help.

It was the buddies who left in tact,
And those who were now a memory
That meant almost everything
To these returning warriors.

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