Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stepping Out

Stepping Out                         3/16/12

It’s time, hell, it’s way past time.
Kay Macintosh had signed up.
Her first class in driving was Monday.
John would not be happy.

John was going to turn very red.
Who told her she could spend hard-earned money
On a license she probably wouldn’t get
And couldn’t use?

John had the car and the keys.
She’d never driven, never.
Foolish woman, 65 was a bit on the ripe side
To be thinking of driving.

Eliot had made it happen.
Kay’s brother-in-law who was dying.
Had told Kay his new car was hers’
If she got a license.

Eliot died on Monday.
Kay got the car latter that week.
John sulked quietly,
Had two shots and left.

John moved into an apartment downtown.
Kay sold the house, bought a condo,
And spent a month in Ireland,
Visiting cousins she had never met.

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