Friday, August 19, 2016

A Week To Remember

It was the best of times. 
Joy was rampant, overwhelming
The prophets of disaster.
Being Gay was OK,

Visiting a dying lover,
To whom you are betrothed,
Is no longer Mississippis decision,
It is now your right.

Family and dear friends of nine murdered
Congregants of the AME church
Who forgave the terrorist killer
Reached a place I will never enter.

Yes, there are many who still view
The Confederate Flag as a tribute to past glory.
Their attribution of the Civil War to state rights
Ignores slavery as the primary right that rebellion defended.

This week you and I celebrated the emphatic
Supreme Court decision upholding government
Assistance to otherwise deprived
Recipients of health care insurance.

Here again the forces of darkness
Screamed foul, indifferent to the millions
Who would surely suffer more, and die sooner,
Without the Affordable Care Act

If next weeks news refocuses us in other directions
We will have this weeks resounding triumphs,
And the possibilities they project a future
That now includes wiser and more humane counsel.

Man With Yarmulke

It was too early for Chabad
To begin Saturday prayer service.
Father, slightly bent, and his preteen son
Turned into the Starbuck located
Immediately below the rented
Space that is now a house of worship.
The rabbi, a bearded young man with a growing family,
Greets people warmly, and in his temple
He does not ask if they drove to this Sabbath service.
(Many of his congregation would find the walk exhausting.)

Except for immediate family members,
He is not permitted to make physical contact with women,
And therein lies my problem.
Any claim of equality for women who can’t be touched
Speaks to me of hypocrisy and wanton discrimination.

Does the man with the Yarmulke
Tell his son that mother is subject to this treatment

And what the ramifications might be?

Less Hair More Smiles

I have been “pompadourless” forty years
And while “pompadourless” may not be a word
The results are long established and visible.
An endless list of such grievances might lead to
Bouts of depression and severe halitosis.

In my case the most recent years have been kinder.
Yes, I have lost memories and foot-speed.
Friends have passed, moved in different directions.
But new friends and adventures have enriched me
And my life partner has shared the journey.

Now if I could only remember her name

Rose Knew

It haunts me still.
Rose knew and was fascinated.
What strange behavior I did observe.
There was this thing about Andy,
Neither good nor bad, just different.

Rose would hang close,
As if checking for an explanation.
We had conversations, decided it was too silly
And concluded Diana would walk Rose separately.

Months later came Andy’s diagnoses:
He was home to a killer.

Too late for medical intervention.

I Interrupt This Life With A Message

We are not under attack from Mars.
We cannot expect to live 259 years or more.
We might experience love and a tooth cavity.
Most of your decisions will be wrong,
But some of the wrong ones will work out well.
There will always be someone to hate… resist,
You will be surrendering a pleasure for a good nights sleep.
Try meditation though it probably won’t work.
Play music it can be an excellent distraction.

Smile when you say “good morning”.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Harry makes a declarative statement.
He speaks in declaratives.
His argument is flawed.
Best to pounce or suggest?

Now would be the time to risk something.
Not for Harry’s sake but for mine.
If I can work toward a crevice,
A small opening that Harry may ponder,
He might fall short of an epiphany
Yet find a path that allows him to reconstruct,
Discovering a way that offers an acceptable exit
That might reconcile with my conclusion.

This gambit might fail, “so what?”
Isn’t it time I rise above perpetual sophomore?
If I fail my ego might suffer.
If I succeed I will be insufferable for years.

Point Missions2

Sometime Army Air Force Bomber missions were 2 Point.
2 points missions had an upside,                 
Provided you returned to base.
Frank needed fifty combat mission points
Before he could return stateside.
Army Air Force Bomber missions were
Elevated from 1 to 2 if the time
Required to target and return
Increased the risk, substantial,
Or if Messserschmitt  BF 109’s,
In numbers, were waiting.

Frank described the German fighter BF109
As both beautiful and very efficient.
He thought German pilots were excellent.

Frank’s B-24 bomber was one of two
In a nine-bomber formation, that returned safely,

After a 2-point mission.

The Man Believes

After ministering in a “new age” Protestant church,
He studied Buddhism, and is now attending Kabala lectures.
Bob believes in something close to “the force”.
But is not entirely comfortable with the ”God” concept,
Which he thinks it is not nearly broad enough;
That we have assigned roles for “Him”,
For our comfort and convenience,
But this offers, at best,
Tolerance of a different conviction.

In The Long Run

In the Long Run                
who am I kidding
where the hell do you stand
to get beyond whatever
we think of as NOW

how could we override
the nonsense that pursues
our every waking moment

far better we consider advanced
meditation for if it resolves
nothing else you are likely
to have a pleasant snooze 

The Great Sacrifice

Whether we reflect on the boy who saved Amsterdam,
By putting his finger in a small whole in the dike,
Or the soldier who fell on the grenade
And gave his life for his buddies, we recognize heroism.
What of the woman who refused to delay her vacation trip
Because her fool of a hairdresser did not have an opening
The day prior to our heroine’s flight?
The mind crashes attempting to grasp the whole gestalt.
She will be weeks without a “new do”.
Will her hair color hold or fade to blah?
How will her fans respond to this unprecedented breach?
New books, plays and operas will honor her deed.
Children will carry her name with head erect.
She has crashed through the slightly rose tinted social barrier.
Her great sacrifice will know no equal.