Thursday, March 6, 2008

One Horsemen

Morning, just enough time for a run on the beach
Before the day’s problems erode my sense of ease.
At water’s edge the ocean and shore had reached agreement.
Firm sand.

Into the second mile I ran into an impression
Of death drifting, just yards behind me.
Young and fit, I turned to confront the bastard.

“Do you want me--- NOW?”
I wordlessly demanded of the empty space.
No response, no echo in the prescient silence.

Standing at the waters edge,
Enthralled with my bravery,
Momentarily convinced of my transcendence,
I left Death defeated
Turned, and ran on.

I revisit that scene occasionally,
No doubt enhancing my recollection,
Not quite able to relive the breeze,
The warm soft air moving across the Pacific,
Or the silence that greeted my challenge.

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