Friday, January 23, 2009

Man with Dog Cookie

He came at me bearing a cookie for Rose.
A friendly smile and a “bottled water “ flyer
Completed his accoutrements.

Handing me both the cookie and the flyer,
He suggested I check out the water.
We shook hands and he departed.

Certainly the dog treat looked benign.
Yes it looks OK, but was it?
How could I know it was harmless?
By the same reasoning
Could I know a 200-pound safe
Would not fall from the sky,
Intent on ending my life?

“I am ridiculous, one too many
Scary news reports” my brain shouted.
“Yes, but its close to Halloween,
Poisoning little children and animals
Is an epidemic right NOW.

This internal dialogue suggests
A need for immediate psychiatric intervention.
With mixed emotions I discarded the cookie.
Probably saving my dogs life.

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