Tuesday, March 10, 2009


He asked me for a dime, seemed sober and cleared eyed.
Thinking I had no change, I shook my head.
One step later, stopped at a traffic light,
I found 2 dimes in my jeans.

Turning, I saw the beggar a few feet away, asking folks awaiting a bus,
If they had spare change.

I started to’rd him, the 2 dimes in my hand.
“What am I doing?”, I thought.
Having failed to check for change initially,
I’m now going to give this guy 2 lousy dimes!
Maybe cap that with "have a nice day."
I stopped to rebuke myself.
“Come on, at least a buck, you cheap son-of-a bitch”

I belatedly reached for my wallet as a bus stopped
And watched as the street guy boarded & left.

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