Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Sound of Freedom

It must recall some great moments.
Rising off the carrier deck,
Fulll loaded, looking for the enemy,
Explosive engines at full throttle.

That’s the sound of freedom.
My neighbor turns to me for a high five
Or just a smiling confirmation.
I must look confused.

Maybe he can distinguish
Between the jet that is just passing
And the sound of other jet fighters,
Ones he hasn’t flown?

I hear power, without agenda.
Had there been a sound from Silver,
The Lone Rangers steed,
That would have meant freedom.

I think there was.
Bad guys beware!
Help was coming.
Surely, the masked man would save the day?

Some small, long-forgotten ember
Of my childhood’s delight reignites
As the FX-35 thunders overhead
Streaking to engage the tyrants.

What freedom does my neighbor hear?
Does he ride the range. securing our borders?
If so, I’m grateful.

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