Sunday, November 13, 2011


I can’t seem to reconcile
My joyful memories of Brooklyn
With my general belief
That I hated my life there.

I think both are true:
A combination
Of bright splashes
On a dark canvas.

“Hindu” meant “it should not be counted.”
That was the plea
When some adult interrupted a stoop-ball game.
Or when you screwed up a clean pass interception.

“Hindu” was often followed by outrage.
“Fagettaboutit” was the standard response.
“Dat lady dien’t block nuhtin for crissakes!
“Ya just fuckin drop da ball, next batta.”

After five minutes of venting
Someone, preferring to play,
Gave up screaming, and conceded,
Allowing the game to proceed.

Was there anyone among us
Who imagined someone powerful and wise
Wearing a turban and invoking a great spirit
Through the pronouncement of “Hindu”? No.

Older apartment players used the word.
We adopted their rules and words,
Along with their shouts of frustration.
I still prefer “Hindu” to “misspoke”.

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