Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Day of Being Jewish

As advertised, Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah
Started “promptly at 10:30.”
A three-hour affair, in a Reform Temple,
And I “dug it the most”.

Rabbi Lawson a strong baritone
With an engaging personality,
Lead the Hebrew/English congregation
Of 250 people in song and prayer.

A committed Jew with a universal view,
He directed prayers for suffering people everywhere.
His pleas weere sent to God
Along with much praise of Adonai.

True, I’m uncomfortable with the idea
That the Almighty might need his ego bolstered,
But the Temple interior covered my annoyance
By offering light and lightness.

Jacob, the now young man of thirteen,
Recited his haftorah flawlessly,
Combining both knowledge and humor
To a steady, controlled presentation.

His family spent the better part of the service
Smiling, glowing, standing tall.
It may have been Jacob’s day,
But three generations basked in the brilliance.

I will confess that Bar Mitzvah services
Have always struck me
As somewhat superior to a root-canal,
And not much else.

Had someone suggested the ordeal
Would run three hours
I might have taken no-doze or MJ.
But neither were required.
Rarely have I witnessed
A manifestation of love
So empathic, yet without fanfare,
As was present this morning.

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