Monday, May 27, 2013


It has become ritual.
Two in the morning Rose moves,
First placing her front paws on my left leg
To ease access to the space between my calves.

Over time I have moved from complete rejection,
Pushing her to the unoccupied space near my feet,
To  coupling her desire for closeness
With my feeling of connection.

If, by two-twenty I had not fallen asleep again,
My feelings became somewhat ambiguous
Because her weight on the blanket
Makes any movement on my part impossible.

For the next five minutes I will try
Turning onto my back and moving my left  leg.
Failing to do either I’d twist my head
And encourage her to relocate.

Inevitably, I would claw my way up the bed,
Thereby allowing me to get one leg
Over her head,
Freeing me to consider relocation.

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