Saturday, August 17, 2013


New York’s mayor, Impelliteri, had a plan.
Rain, he told us, fell in 7 year cycles.
This being the last year of a drought cycle ,
Next year would bring much more rain.
Can you hear the violins lament, or the laughter from Heaven?

Joseph, of the Old testament, understood cycles ...
And planning. 

A rare inhabitable planet, like Earth, has not been found in our neighborhood.
Animal life, above the waters edge, has disappeared five times 
Five times it has reemerged.  
I’m optimistic it will start again.

Life forms vary with each reincarnation.
It is inconsequential to our galaxy 
What creatures hold sway, or for how long ....
But stop. Who am I to decide the galaxy’s agenda.

Fortunately, we are not rational,
Otherwise the insanity would really prove upsetting.
Lets enjoy the trip we’re on 
And continue to believe it will all work out,

Knowing it will all work out.

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