Friday, November 14, 2014

Alienation of Affection

I am listening. A potential jurist
Having my sanity tested.
It sounded like English,
But the words clashed and produced spaghetti.

Her lawyer said her client had suffered.
She would never see her wedding dress again.
It was the post wedding cleaner’s fault,
And he should pay.

True, he had offered to cover the cost of replacement.
Still, the emotional attachment was strong,
And who could tell if the marriage would survive the loss?
Surely the gods cried for further compensation.

Who to strangle?
Choices included the attorney
Her client, who was also an attorney,
And the judge who permitted this farce.

How to make the client whole?
The cleaner’s had been robbed.
Recovering the gown was impossible.
Brilliant memories of the lovely wedding would be tarnished.

Perhaps a large award would cover the cost of a psychiatrist,
To limit the emotional damage?
I thought a lifetime supply of Prosaic and MJ
Might see her through the dark days.

Days when she would look in her closet,
Tearfully imagining what should have been,
Knowing that the object of her affection,
Was not safely stored in a bank vault.

If an anguished parent did not get justice this day,
Or a petitioning homeowner could not get a default delay,
Because the cause of justice was busy hearing 
From a woman inconsolable for under 5k.

jerry greenspan

jerry greenspan

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