Friday, July 31, 2015

Tuesdays Lunch

Can you present the best case?
Does the result matter?
Or are you merely going on record
To make it known you cared?

Fred would change his schedule to be there,
Because being there was important to him.
Jerry was not immune to friendship
And missing a Tuesday lunch would be a loss.

Consider: they had traveled to the place of free desserts,
Like the gambler who gets comp accommodations
By virtue of time spent on location.
Our heroes had paid their dues.

Lunch was an hour devoted to women and baseball,
Or so the billing said.
Camaraderie dictated the cover,
But sometimes a truth might flow, only slightly abridged.

Friendly conversations between Fred, Jerry and Ray
Occasionally morphs into thoughts less varnished.
From the safety of a sympathetic home team performance
Into a statement of belief or regret.

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