Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One Cup Coffee-maker

Some one gave us this other coffee-maker.
It only makes one cup
And sits next to the 8 cup coffee-maker.
Somehow it represents progress.

I feel the earth is moving away,
And I’ve not been invited on the trip.
I’m unsure I would go if invited,
But I desperately want the acceptance.

If someone should stop by
Do I offer her a cup of coffee
Watch her drink,
Unable to pour myself a cup?

I could pour myself the cup
And let my guest watch me.
(Wars have been started
Over smaller insults.)

Of course I could make four cups
In the eight cup coffee-maker,
But that would mean not using
My latest acquisition.

People in the under-developed world
Would not understand the dilemma.
That is probably why they live
In places that do not have electricity.

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