Sunday, June 23, 2013


Martin brought the white faces,
Without his shoulders 
Barack would have had no place to stand,
And there would have been no “YES WE CAN”.

How many improbable events worked in Obama’s favor?
None, that a less talented man might have seen or used effectively.
How much money did he raise beyond his competitors?
Enough, so that he could lift spirits with “YES WE CAN”.

Large crowds, New Years Eve in New York, have gathered before.
Now many come to celebrate, or in the hope of a better day.
On this day though the assembled were the message.
The eloquence was in their numbers and their faces.

From wherever they came, they brought hope 
But there was more, much more.
This time the gathered witnessed
The extraordinary confirmation of an unprecedented event.

In this speck of time,  the most improbable coronation
Of a thought was vouchsafe, 
A thought beyond the reach of pundits and celebrities,
That brought brilliance to the cynic.

There may be little reason to expect we will rise further,
Perhaps this day does not presage  a new beginning,
But for this instant the myth of the parting waters was experienced
And millions of people knew Man’s potential: YES WE CAN

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