Wednesday, March 5, 2014

When the Martians Land

I think of a baby in the bath water,
Splashing until the water is gone.
We speak of rights, without understanding
Them  or their limitations.

Much like the baby we demand liberty,
As though splashing or shouting
Will bring us to the unnatural state
We insist is our birth right.


When the Martians invade,
In whatever form they appear,
(Dead oceans, exhausted land, religious imperatives)
We will look to our deck chairs. 

When the Martians attack,
We will pass legislation making them illegal,
We will build useless walls, 
And condemn the enemy from the pulpits.

When the Martians advance
Short- sellers will reap a windfall,
With no way of collecting on their bet,
And no where to go with the gain.

When the Martians reach the gates
Speeches will be made, swords will be drawn 
And science will be offered as a sacrifice
To the last and best god. 

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