Friday, September 5, 2014

Keeping the Social Contract

When you look down on the broken
Are you surprised that no praise
Is offered up for your continued acceptance
Of their use of free emergency care?

Is it the certainty that the hungry
Waste their food stamps on specialty desserts,
From your local Whole Foods,
That causes you to oppose free food for the needy?

Does the need for an open, honest election
Prompt you to require personal identification
From people unable to meet the requirement
Within the narrow bounds you would allow?

Was the prosperity of the 1990’s
Insufficient for your growing “needs”,
Requiring a furtherance of the already
Disproportionate tax burden borne by others?

Why do you view the social contract,
That ushered in the greatness of America,
A greatness that might be shared by all the people,
An unacceptable weight after 75 years?

When did immigrants ,
A keystone of our continued strength,
Become so terrible a burden,
That you wish to refuse them entry? 

Have you become so fixed
In your universe
That you oppose any rule,
That strikes a note of charity or understanding?

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