Sunday, March 5, 2017

Ron Calvert's Big Day

I pulled up to his store
He had opened a lighting shop.
It was potentially a very good or bad day.
His money had gone into heavy advertising
For this post Thanksgiving retail event.
I hadn’t considered it could be both great and a disaster.

Inside “Ron Lights Up Your Life” shop I saw joy
They sold almost all their inventory.
Ron in great humor had bought beer and wine
For his five employees and a dog bisque for Ted.

I smiled and offered a toast to his good fortune,
While feeling guilty because I had not
Reviewed his strategy and projected numbers.
He will be a month without new inventory.
His spectacular event will have cost more
Than the revenue it had produced.
Any benefit from knowing people liked his store
Would be decimated by having little to sell
Before Santa and his exuberant customers

Will have finished their shopping.

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