Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tea Party: Coming of Age

They have not always looked carefully.
Taking the cards as dealt
By someone who might not
Deal from the top of the deck.

Now the peasants feel betrayed.
Awakening to a show
Where stardom was presumably their assigned role,
Only to find they had, foolishly, carried water for others.

Had they really expected a yellow brick road?
Would their bellicosity not carry the day?
Easy to dismiss the unwashed as fools,
Expecting love from the devil’s own.

Look around and count your numbers.
Are your black, brown or redskinned brothers in your vanguard?
Do you still see them as the takers,
Trying to usurp what is rightfully yours?

When the raft is sinking,
And your leaders will not sacrifice their lovely boots,
Who will those heavy heals land upon?
Who will be tossed into the unforgiving sea?

When the choice is between the bad and the ugly,
Do you not recognize it still contains differences that matter.
Bad is the man who falsely claimed your cause.
Best choose the ugly, they are more likely to share your plight

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