Monday, August 6, 2012

The Invidious Plot!

Twice, yes twice in 5 days,
Riding the subways 
To places not visited in years,
I was transformed from a
Youthful 70 year-old into an old man.
Two young women
On separate train rides,
On consecutive morning trips
Offered their seats.

OK, the first woman, a 20 year old,
Could have made a mistake.
Maybe my eyeglasses were too far down my nose,
Or my ball cap added years?

Now we come to the stab in the heart.
No doubt sinister forces were at work.
What are the odds that Diana gets a seat
And I don’t, on two consecutive days?

Add the fact that again I am left standing,
With another 20 year-old seated before me.
Consider the probability that any New Yorker 
Would offer you her seat on a subway.

Most New Yorkers would have killed for the seat.
Think of the statistical impossibility of repeating the scene.
With a newspaper, magazine or Ipad held close to her face
No crippled 95 year old, in the midst of a heart attack, need be seen. 

Granted we were approaching the Jewish New Year
And the stars might have been misaligned, 
Unleashing a magnetic force that influenced the train’s orientation.
Even then, it could not have happened.

It must have been a subversive plot.
The two girls were working for an alien.
There may have been others involved.
They were out to, and succeeded in, destroying my sense of self.

Damn you Ming the Merciless!!

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