Wednesday, April 17, 2013

You Are What You Eat

Steve was the last rational man.
Having observed others he could comfortably recline,
And smile with certitude in his belief
That he was the most reasonable of men.

As with all mortals,
Steve was not perfect.
On occasion, he would overstate his position,
And could be accused of self-righteousness.

He had aged well, he thought,
And could, in his humble way,
Offer insights that bordered on the Socratic,
A gift he believed that made him rather special.

Like most of us he had lived with and through troubles.
Children and health were always issues 
That came with the rising sun
And would continue until his sunset.

His principles were sound.
Fondly, Steve recalled occasions 
When he had stood up for something,
(Perhaps a poorly prepared meal) and won.

Were the victories pyrrhic?
Was the cost of defending a position too great?
What was the principle that drew his sword?
Finally, had justice or his principle been served?

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