Friday, September 13, 2013


“Geezerville”. that’s what the sign said.
Geyserville is where they must have “struck it rich”,
Geezerville must be where the son-in-law  “stuck the bitch”.

Main St. sidewalks there are painted green.
They’re serious about a greener planet.
Every 50 feet there is a post that holds
An emergency phone, an oxygen mask, and a defibrillator.

There are six other streets bearing names like
“Lovely Lane”, “Peace Place”, and  “Sedate Street”.
When you say “Hi”, residents  may look puzzled,
Offer no response, and  just keep smiling until you pass.
Everyone has great looking teeth.

There are continuous games of Bingo in the recreation center , ‘til 8:30.
Standing mid Lovely Lane, you can hear TV’s blaring on both sides of the road,
Jon Stewart on the left, Bill O’Reilly on the right.

Geezerville folks always vote, and carry at least 100 photos
Of the most beautiful baby since our ancestors came down from the trees.
Town security is provided by residents patrolling on Segways,
Blue for males, pink for ladies.

Feuds are plentiful and loud.
Streets are rolled up 9 PM sharp.
Plaids are very popular, especially in men’s pants.
Every resident possesses great wisdom, just ask.

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