Friday, January 23, 2015

Budgeted Robotics

Her words were well articulated 
And delivered with the speed
Of a 15 second TV commercial;
Unflappable, right when wrong.

I’m not sure what school Budget Rent-A-Car people go through,
But it most include compulsory blood draining,
Along with a lobotomy.
Only my distressed scream could slow her down.

After offering me a discount if I prepaid,
She recited 3 potential additional charges 
That came with a prepayment,
It seemed the discount had disappeared.

She then quoted a price $20 higher
If I took advantage of the prepayment option.
When I declined the “discount”
She recommended a GPS addition at $75 for the night. 

I avoided suggesting a medium priced car
Might cost the same and offer other options.
When I disconnected it was with the suspicion
That the service agent was being retired to her coffin.

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