Friday, January 9, 2015

Walking While Chewing Gum

I turn the car radio off
When I’m following electronic driving directions.
Odds are against finding my destination
With the radio on.

Chances are I’ll get lost in any case,
But I’m a lock to wander near and far
If there is any distraction.
Distractions include other passengers.

Before I started wearing glasses,
Going back to when my eyes were sharp
And my powers of concentration maxed,
I usually got lost.

I do not believe we have had any presidents
That could not walk while chewing gum.
However, I did see a photo of a past leader
Inspecting a battle through covered field glasses.

I think there are parents that
Do not understand how to instruct their children.
Yesterday, I watched as a high testosterone father
Instructed his 7 children about their need for helmets,
Because no one over 20 ever has bike accidents.

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