Friday, November 13, 2015

Of Cats, Weeds and Cars

Having failed twice at recalling three one-syllable words, I salvaged a third try. It's two hours since my successful effort and, as you can see from the title of this piece, I continue to retain “cats, weeds, and cars.” Was it the creation of the line “A cat sat on the car, eating weeds” that allowed me to retain those three words? I don’t know.  But a win is a win, even if it’s pyrrhic.  
I remembered cats, dogs and weeds when I returned home, without my red jacket from my visit with Andy and Dee. The day before I had forgotten the red jacket at my favorite coffee stand. It was still there five hours later. If I have a buried wish to lose my red jacket it has never succeeded .
When, at dinner with my friend Alex, a year my senior, I bear witness to his evolution. Alex is not always aware of events that pass within hearing or viewing range. Destinations are easily forgotten, and choices from a simple menu can become confusing.
Soon, very soon…maybe now, Alex needs a controlled environment. As for me, I know where I can get helium.
In the meantime:
I will leap for the ball, and find my toes haven’t left the ground,
I will write a letter to the local paper, compose another poem,

And search for names and words that escape my grasp.

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