Friday, January 8, 2016

Sleuth On The Loose

It may sound like false modesty
When I say, “Ah, it was nothing”.        
In truth I am understating the sheer brainpower
Needed to locate the missing phone.

It was not in its assigned location.
When I drive my faithful smart-phone
Rests in a space to my immediate right.
Exiting my car I spied its absence.

Here’s where my mental faculties took over.
It must have been alongside at some point.
I was returning from the gas station,
And had made no calls, coming or going.

Hence, I would not have removed the phone,
Yet clearly it was not where it should have been.
I examined the passenger seat. Not there.
Where had the goddamn thing gone?

Perplexed, I scratched my head.
It was then, smiling to myself,
I realized it was a case of
The right hand not telling the left hand what it was doing.

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