Monday, October 15, 2012


We give subsidies to the needy.
Corn, oil, corporate farmers, come to mind.
Given the time and place I would kill them all.
It is in the nature of revolution; mercy killings.

I have not gotten mellow.
There is no point in expecting improvement.
Sorry, I failed to include five members of the Supremes.
They really should be first, and I apologize for my oversight.

To be willingly law-abiding finally requires belief,
Or recognition that the price of noncompliance can be high.
I suppose the church fathers took the same view.
No doubt they support the evil they created.

Does your burden feel too heavy.
Do you envy the man who steals your bread?
Not enough: You must cut his tongue out
And rewrite the law he has thrust upon you.

I don’t expect the revolution to succeed,
It probably is nothing more than 
Hoping to end a very boring show
That has gone on endlessly.

How to start:
Do not pay your taxes.
When the nice looking lady in the back seat of the limousine 
That, with indifference, blocks your path
Open the back door, pull her out & smash her face
Only then should you shoot the driver.

Stop traffic. crash your wreck into the Mercedes.

BUT Where’s the love?
Dead for lack of oxygen, crushed under the wheels of the private jet.

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