Monday, December 24, 2012


 I forwarded a story to Jewish friends.
It isn’t entirely unique:
Felix Zanderman died this year.
He was a holocaust survivor.

Why didn’t I share this story with others?
Why not include friends of fifty years?
I have no religion 
But I do have a tribe.

Italians have tribes; Libyans,
American Indians, Afghanis, likewise.
Membership doesn’t make you special,
It means “you’re one of us”.

We Jews have a badge
That allows us to refer to the Holocaust
As though we have scars 
That confirm our ties to the horror.

Since 1948, along with most tribes, 
We have a point of reference, a “home land”.
Not unlike the Irish, there is a learned response. 
An unspoken pledge.

This connection ends with me.
My sons, barring an anti-Semitic  plague,
Will not be tribal.
Hurray for them?

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