Friday, August 8, 2014

Covering Tracks

I remember President Clinton’s apologizing
To the American Indians... 100 years later.
I don't toss in bed unable to sleep
If I can't connect to the guilt.

A good programmer can correct mistakes
So they won't be repeated.
A collective conscience needs
Constant reminders to last a week.

When I offered no eulogy at Ray's funeral
I did not prophecy deeply regretting
My lack of preparation or rightness
Ten years later.

Moral lessons are difficult to recognize
And harder to absorb.
Rabbi Akiva is credited with the observation:
"If not me who? if not now when?”.

Maybe it's time to give Clinton a pass
Along with my bungled non-eulogy?
An alcoholic friend apologized 10 years late.
It was a very courageous act.

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