Thursday, September 24, 2015

Doris, I Was Wonder---

It’s morning, and a spring breeze
Is bringing a cooling trend
That is vying with an ascending barometric reading,
Creating a destabilizing front, possibly altering morning’s fate.

Most readers would look for meaning in the above.
But to those who suffer from a rare, pernicious condition
Known as the “ing” syndrome, such conditions could prove fatal.
There is only one effective treatment available:

There is a form of yoga that a sufferer might find efficacious.
Near a small lake in an undisturbed Kenyan village
Lives a magic frog whose “ribbit”, if repeated 600 times
From the tallest branch of  the wazzit tree could help,
If the sequence is initiated at the time of the “pale full moon.”
In several cases this incantation has lead to a fortnight-long
Cessation of the intense and interminable “ringing-ing-ing”
The “ing” syndrome typically produces in the head of the victim.
Alternately, the poor sufferer can consider giv—up: sing---, talk---,
walk---, argu---, and smil--- simultaneously.  But it never works


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