Monday, January 23, 2012


Walks 1/21/12

Andy walks every chance he gets.
Running stopped when the back surgeries began.
If there was a guinness record for back surgeries
He would own the sucker.

I am 5’6”, Andy’s 5’3”
And five years my senior.
My expectation is that
I will always be able to look down on Andy.

He is my only friend that is shorter
And this makes him special.
He is also a reader and doer,
Both traits I admire, along with my being taller.

Accompanied by my dog, Rose,
Ours is a beachside walk,
Where our assigned roles
Reflect over and underlapping sympathies.

Andy tends toward the tutorial
While I lean in a Brooklyn direction.
It is a rare stroll that fails
To be stimulating and convivial.

I have come to consider our 45 morning minutes
Something of a treasure.
Like me, I suspect Andy, does not want agreement,
Rather, if there is an objective, it is friendship.

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