Friday, February 8, 2013

A Question of Faith

For this 4th of July morning walk
I wore a blue shirt emblazoned 
It got mixed reviews.

I offered a good morning greeting
As I passed others,
In this predominately conservative community,
And found many enraged by my T shirt’s message.

That I dared to offer a hello
While wearing the sign of the infidel
Was found insufferable to many.
Fortunately, disdain did not give way to violence.

Not quite a unanimous endorsement 
Of this day’s  message of spiritual acceptance
For all Americans, from all Americans.
It was reminiscent of an earlier time.

Civil rights in the sixties was an unsettled affair.
Fifty years later, hate and divisiveness,
Continue to stalk the land
Like a plague that feeds upon itself.

Have they decided I am an enemy of the state
Rather than a man with an inferior choice?
Yes, my T shirt may offend,
But why salute the morning with enmity?

Surely a responsive smile 
And reciprocal “hello”
Does not suggest you have joined the enemy.
Rather, you have allowed for a day without rancor.

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